All plans in comparison


What users say about MAIA

"In M&A, time is money. With MAIA, we save both and quickly find the needle in the haystack."

Maik Wassmer
Managing Director

"I can quickly access all decision-relevant data and information!"

Thomas Küssner
Head of PM

"I'm no longer searching through countless files. I'm getting an answer to my question!"

Philipp Angermann
Director DACH

Frequently asked questions

Can I try MAIA for free?

Yes! There is a free plan for MAIA to try and get started right away! Every single user account created is automatically on the Free plan until upgraded by the user via the upgrade button in the MAIA app.

What are the pricing models?

We currently offer four different models for MAIA.
In addition to the Free Plan for initial testing, the Standard Plan, the Team Plan and the Enterprise Plan are available on request for companies that prefer customized solutions. More information about the plans can be found here.

Is there a uniform invoicing system?

Uniform billing is available for the Enterprise plan. Please contact our sales department about this:

Is MAIA compliant with the GDPR?

Yes! MAIA is fully GDPR compliant. Since day one, we have placed great emphasis on data privacy and data security. Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is of utmost importance to us to ensure that your data and the company's data is safe and secure. MAIA is designed with robust data protection policies and procedures to ensure compliance with all relevant data protection regulations.

What file types does MAIA support?

For uploading your own documents, MAIA currently supports documents in .pdf, .txt, and .docx formats. Support for URLs, .xls, .ppt, and other common text formats is planned. You have an idea for a not yet supported format? Let us know:

How do I create an account?

Just click the "Register" button in the upper right corner and get started! Alternatively you can register here.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription?

The account can be upgraded to the Professional Plan via the upgrade button in the MAIA app. The subscription can be cancelled on a monthly basis. After cancellation and expiration, you are back on the Free Plan. The Enterprise Plan can be changed flexibly in consultation with us. Please contact us via the following email address:

What are the payment options?

Credit card or Paypal can be used for the Standard and Team Plan. Enterprise plans can also be invoiced in the traditional way by prior arrangement.

Where is my data stored?

MAIA's main server, located in Germany (Nuremberg) at Hetzner Online GmbH, is used to store all data, including personal data. Data processing servers are also operated in Germany (Frankfurt) and France (Paris), but no personal data is stored on these.

How is MAIA different from ChatGPT?

MAIA offers the basic features of ChatGPT, but has additional advantages that are important for companies:

Fully DSGVO compliant from the start
Made & Hosted in Germany and Switzerland
ISO27001 certified
(from mid-2024)
Integration of databases possible
Dedicated file manager
Collaborative work and sharing of file collections
Specially optimized for companies
Usage statistics
(Coming Soon)
Unified billing and management