Supplier chatbot

Supplier chatbot

MAIA supports suppliers in answering their questions about ordering processes, delivery conditions and specific company guidelines quickly and efficiently.

The challenge

  • Access to relevant information: Suppliers often need specific information on ordering procedures, delivery conditions or company guidelines, which can be difficult to find.
  • Efficient communication: Communication between suppliers and companies can be complicated by language barriers or different time zones.
  • Complex requests: Suppliers often have complex requests that require in-depth knowledge of company processes and standards.


  • MAIA support: Suppliers can use MAIA to gain quick and easy access to the information they need, which is stored in the company documents.
  • Accurate and fast responses: MAIA helps to respond efficiently to a large number of supplier inquiries, improving communication with the company.


  • Increased efficiency: Faster response times and improved communication between companies and suppliers.
  • Improving business relationships: By providing precise information in real time, collaboration with suppliers is strengthened and optimized.
  • Relief for the purchasing team: Reduces the workload of the purchasing team by efficiently responding to standardized supplier inquiries.

Prompt examples

  • Ordering process: "How does the delivery process work in this company?"
  • Terms of delivery: "What are the terms of delivery for the [product name]?"
  • Payment terms: "What are the payment terms for suppliers?"
  • Quality standards: "Which quality standards must be met for the delivery of [product category]?"
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