

Create summaries of extensive documents - complete, by chapter or along a predefined structure.

The challenge

  • Information density: Getting through and understanding extensive documents such as detailed reports, minutes or complex market, trend or competition analyses can be overwhelming.
  • Abbreviated preparation: Manually creating a summary or abstract can take hours.
  • Structured preparation: It is often necessary to structure a large amount of information efficiently and organize it according to important topics or predefined criteria.


  • Document summary: Users can upload extensive documents and instruct MAIA to organize and summarize them according to chapters, subject areas or a desired structure (e.g. initial situation, challenge, solution and next steps).
  • Custom Analysis: MAIA allows for flexible customization of summaries to meet specific user needs and priorities and to create the summary in a format that can be sent as a report to others.


  • Time efficiency: 15 minutes instead of 4 hours - Quick comprehension and understanding of complex content through concise, structured summaries.
  • Customized insights: Receive summaries that are tailored to the individual requirements and interests of the user and thus enable targeted information intake.

Prompt examples

  • Chapter-by-chapter summary: "Summarize the [document name] chapter by chapter, focusing on the main points of each chapter."
  • Topic area summary: "Create a summary of the [report name], focused on the [topic area]."
  • Structured analysis: "Break down and summarize the [market analysis report name] according to the structure initial situation, challenge, solution and next steps."
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