Topic familiarization

Topic familiarization

Use of MAIA for effective familiarization with new subject areas through interaction and analysis of relevant documents.

The challenge

  • Time-consuming knowledge building: Familiarizing yourself with an unfamiliar topic can be extremely time-consuming, especially when it comes to working your way through a large amount of information and grasping the essentials.
  • An abundance of information: You are often faced with a flood of documents and literature that you have to sift through in order to find relevant and useful information for your new subject area.


  • MAIA as an interactive learning assistant: users can upload relevant literature and documents from the company. By asking MAIA specific questions, they can familiarize themselves efficiently with the new topic.
  • Knowledge structuring: MAIA helps to analyze the uploaded information, work out key concepts and make complex content understandable.


  • Rapid knowledge building: Accelerated familiarization with new subject areas through direct access to and analysis of relevant information.
  • Improved understanding: In-depth understanding of complex topics through interactive learning and targeted information processing.

Prompt examples

  1. Topic familiarization: "What are the core topics and main arguments in the uploaded documents on the topic [topic]?"
  2. Interactive learning: "Explain the basic principles of [topic] to me using the literature provided."
  3. Knowledge check: "Can you ask me questions to test my understanding of [topic] based on the uploaded materials?"
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